What on Earth Does Virginia Snake Feces Look Like??

The feces of the Norfolk snake will resemble the scat of a carnivore of the same size. This will generally be in a tubular form and the edges are tapered. You may find it in a single piece or it can be scattered in several small pieces. The small snakes poop will have an average length of below ½ inch. Huge constrictors will have feces that are bigger than the poop of the dog. 

How to Identify the Droppings of the Snake

If you live in a Virginia place with a healthy ecosystem, it is important that you know how to discern the feces of the snake. This will help you determine if there is an active infestation happening in your house. It will allow you to take immediate action before it leads to an uncontrollable situation.

Indigestible Item and Urates

One of the easiest ways to identify the scat of the Norfolk snake is to look for the presence of urates. This can only be found in the feces of the reptiles such as lizards, birds, and turtles. Urates are the result of the metabolism of the protein. In some instances, they will resemble the appearance of the rock or white chalk. It is also highly likely that you will discover undigested remains of their prey like claws, teeth, and fur.

The Risk Related with Snake Poop

When you look at the excrement of the Virginia snake, you will notice how it is a mixture of their urine and poop. It will appear chalky and more in a liquid state than in solid form. The size of their droppings will help you determine how small or large the snake is. While the snake does not regularly poop, a reptile infestation can leave a considerable amount of poop. In case this happens to you, it is highly likely that a snake infestation is happening close-by. Snake feces may contain bacteria that can lead to the contamination of water and food source. This may lead to the spread of the diseases such as salmonellosis.  

Possible Location

The Virginia snake will poop on their travel path. Start looking for the presence of their droppings on the grassy areas. You may also find them on log or rock piles, and on the side of the structures. When looking for the sign of snakes, you need to remain careful. You will be able to find their tracks in any loose substrate. Encountering the shed skin is also possible. You should never reach your hand or step on surface that you can't see. You should also wear proper gears such as thick boots. 

In case you discovered the snake in your Norfolk property and you wish it to be removed, there are professionals who are willing to assist you. Usually, the snakes are simply passing by and will leave immediately since they do not wish to be close to humans. You should never deal with this on your own especially if you don't know how to properly identify the snake and you don't have the right tools and equipments.

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